viernes, 22 de julio de 2016

Williamsburg II

We are still in Williamsbourg, and today we have spent the whole day in the old town, a fully restored city of the colonial time. Each house was dedicated to a profession and there were people disguised as colonial citizens.

Some of the houses were, for example, the shoemaker, jeweler, candelmaker, aphotecary, cooper, tailor, silversmith, etc. It was fun to enter inside them and hear the history of all of them, but specially the coffeehouse, where we received a cup of coffee that tasted really good!

We saw also the courthouse, used to judge minder fellonies, while the capitol was to the mmore serious ones as well as the place where the house of delegates where localized. We saw the church and some taverns too, and even the governor's palace.

Then, we played old-fashioned games, the children played in that time. After eating in a mexican restaurant, we came back to the city center again to see some events, as a speech of James Madison and a visit to the art museums where I learnt about 18th century collectors and their cabinet of curiosities. These are their collections of birds or plants they collected while exploring the New World. During my visit, my parents and Matías went to see other monuments.

Finally, we saw a parade of militians, firing their bayonnets and even a cannon twice. Meanwhile, some other soldiers played melodies with the the flute. At last, we went back to our hotel room; we have to relax, due to the long car-trip to reach the next city.


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