jueves, 28 de julio de 2016

New Orleans II

Today, after having breakfast in our hotel, we decided to go to a swampland near the city to see the local wildlife (including alligators). For this purpose, we visited the Jean Lafitte National Park, wich had paths over the swamp where you could see the animals and plants of the terrain.

As we reached the place, the first impression was seeing a flock of gray vultures in the road, so close to us that we could stay out the car and take pictures. After arriving in the visitor's center, the guard gave to Matías a brochure so he could complete it when he saw especific animals and trees in the swamp. I grabed the camera and I took pictures of every animal species we saw; this includes many types of drafonflies, lizards, frogs, crickets, spiders and birds. We could even take photos of an alligator just in front of us!

We had to dug often because huge spiders had made their cobweb near our heads, but also be quiet to see as much wildlife as we could. We had also to wear long pants and spray ourselves with mosquito-repellent and sunscreanin order to prevent being stung and sunburnt. The humidity was so high that we sweat a lot during the visit, good we brought some water in the car.

After the visit, we ate at Dooky Chase, a famous restaurant where many celebrities (including Obama, Bush and the Pope Benedict XVI) have dinned. We took the buffet as lunch, but the meal I best liked was the gumbo soup and the dessert, wich was a peach cobbler.

After eating, we went again to the city center to see a market with stands selling handmade products. We strolled around the riverfront and went to Bourbon street again, and then we bought some fruit and bread to dinner.

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