Today was the last day of the trip, we are finally going to reach Chicago, where we are going to spend the next 2 months. We had breakfast at the hotel in St. louis, the best breakfast buffet in the trip! They had fresh fruit and hot meals, oatmeal and greek yoghurt and waffles and omelettes coocked for you in the moment by a cook.
We drove to Chicago then, also to return the rented car we drove from New York. It lasted about 5 hours today, and at 2 o'clock we where there already. Nevetherless, it was difficult to find a gas station in downtown, and also to find the car hire with alot of traffic. After lefting the car, we went eating to Giordano's, a very famous italian restaurant where they are well known for their pizzas.
Then, we went to our hotel, that is going to be our next one the next whole week. It is a nice room, and it is located in the highest floor! After lefting our baggage we went to buy grocery at a supermarket and came back to relax a little bit in the room. Then, we searched for schools to Matías and me, and accordd to go to an interview tomorrow.